CloudFlare and its used
CloudFlare: How to speed up my customers blog or website? You are the owner of a web-hosting company with N number of shared servers.Customers keeps complaining that the website/blogs are slow or the loadingtime...
CloudFlare: How to speed up my customers blog or website? You are the owner of a web-hosting company with N number of shared servers.Customers keeps complaining that the website/blogs are slow or the loadingtime...
search=”123″tar -tf one.tar | while read filenamedo if [ -f “${filename}” ] then mv “${filename}” “${filename}.sav” fi # tar -xf one.tar “${filename}” # found=`grep -l “${search}” “${filename}”` if [ ! “${found}””X” = “X” ]...
How to find roundcube version provided by the cPanel? The roundcube version provided by the cPanel is 0.5.4.===-bash-3.2# cat /var/cpanel/roundcube/version0.5.4.cp11130.1-bash-3.2#=== cPanel dicument regarding the roundcube==== Upgrade rouncube version /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube –forcecd /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/mv roundcube roundcube-backupwget These are the ASSP spam filtere bounce back mails code Please note, that each bounce message is different. Therefore, information relating to addresses, IP numbers, and domain names listed below will differ from... Exim 4.x is a lot more configurable and hence there is more detail to add… These entries are normally added to the acl_rcpt ACL in the exim.conf file. The default/example exim configuration should...
Installation=========wget -xzvf maldetect-current.tar.gzcd maldetect-*sh After running the install script , the installation will complete with in seconds and you will be provided with successful installation output, in this information some of the...
This Post will help you in setting Max Emails allowed per hour in various Levels: To set the Value Server Wide: You can set the value in the following file in the case of...
Prompt for Username and password when accessing the site in Plesk:============================================ Issue : We may get a pop-up prompting for username and password when we access a site in the browser. Cause : The...
You can check with the following command to see the opened/closed ports of a server: ======# nmap -P0 -T4 -sV -p- Server_IP_AddressStarting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2012-02-16 06:28 ISTConnect Scan Timing: About...
Now a days we are getting more DDOS issues. In order to track down the actual site undergoing the attack, following commands will help you. Find the IP to which connections are established: #...