Inspired by thoughts, Achieved by strength Blog


cPanel in Command line

Contact Information & Preferences Change the email address inside of cPanel for alert emails. # grep CONTACT /var/cpanel/users/username Modify the above lines in the users file and run: /scripts/updateuserdomainsEmail Notification settings Modify the below...


Install ASL-Lite in Linux servers

ASL Lite is a free unsupported lightweight rule updater and basic modsecurity setup project designed specifically as an mod_security rule downloader for custom apache environments or non-apache/mixed web server implementations. It will on...


RVsitebuilder Installation in cPanel

How to install RVsitebuilder in cPanel? 1. SSH to your cPanel server as root and run command  /scripts/makecpphp 2. Download the installer using the command below:  cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/  rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/  rm -f rvsitebuilderinstaller.tar wget...


Linux Server Hardening

How to harden the centos 5 or centos 6.2 SPRI (Priority Scheduler) cd /root/ wget tar xvfz spri-*.tar.gz cd spri-* ./ spri -v PRM (Process Resource Monitor) cd /root wget tar xvfz...


wp-blog-header.php error [function.require]:failed to open stream

You have installed WordPress and are seeing the following error: Warning: require(./wp-blog-header.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in “\xyz\\wwwroot\index.php” on line 17 Warning: require(./wp-blog-header.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream:...


Install/upgrade curl in Litespeed webserver

How to install Curl in LiteSpeed webserver?Kindly follow the steps below to know how to install curl in litespeed webserver.1) Go to lsws directory # cd /opt/lsws/phpbuild/php-5.2.6/ 2) Check the compiled modules with litespeed...