How can I add cronjob in my cPanel account
1) Login to cPanel.
2) Click on “Cron Jobs” icon under advanced category.
3) Add a new cron job under ” Add New Cron Job” category.Also you can have cron send an email everytime it runs a command.
4) You need to enter the following details :-
Minute:: It will run the cron job for a specific command on that minute in an hour defined by you.
Hour :- It will run the cron job for a specific hour of the day which you have defined.
Day :- It will run the cron job on that day of month which you have defined.
Month :- Will run the cron job on that month of the year defined by you.
Weekday :- It will run the cron job on that day of the week defined by you.
Command :- Enter the command which you want to run when the cron job run on it schedule time.
5) Click on “Add new Cronjob” once you have entered the above setting.