Configure ssh in Linux
Configure ssh:
1.goto: vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
port 22315
PermitRootLogin on
2.goto root: $useradd ragul //username
$passwd ragul
New password:
re-type password:
3.Type :$vim sudoers
copy line “root all=(all)”
and paste-edit to “ragul all=(all)”.This creats a user “ragul”
with root permission.
4.Disable ssh login for others,to allow only for our login goto:
$vim /etc/hosts.allow
$ssh: //type your IP address
5.Restart sshd service :
$service sshd restart
6.Open another terminal and then type:
$ ssh -l root -p 22315 //last is port no.
->output: Permission denied
7.$ssh -l ragul -p 22315
8.$sudo su