Category: Linux


Install ASL-Lite in Linux servers

ASL Lite is a free unsupported lightweight rule updater and basic modsecurity setup project designed specifically as an mod_security rule downloader for custom apache environments or non-apache/mixed web server implementations. It will on...


Linux Server Hardening

How to harden the centos 5 or centos 6.2 SPRI (Priority Scheduler) cd /root/ wget tar xvfz spri-*.tar.gz cd spri-* ./ spri -v PRM (Process Resource Monitor) cd /root wget tar xvfz...


FAIL: ftp per_source_limit

At  times, you will find the following error message in the “/var/log/messages” ======= FAIL: ftp per_source_limit ======= You can resolve the issue by adding the following line in the file ‘/etc/xinet.d/ftp_psa’ ======= per_source           ...


install cloudlinuxOS in cpanel.

How to install cloudlinuxOS in your shared server.It is easy to switch cPanel server from CentOS 5.x to CloudLinux. The process takes a few minutes and replaces just a handful of RPMs. 1) Get...


cPanel password – decrypt it

Hello, Is there any way to decrypt “Cpanel password. I know that the cPanel user is listed in “/etc/passwd” and password is encrypted in the “/etc/shadow”. If some one forgets the password the only...


Nagios History.

Hello,I want to know about the “NAGIOS” the server monitoring tool. It looks like weird for a fresh learners regarding the server maintainance. I just wanna information about the “NAGIOS” and the activity it...


Load in a server

Hello, I have my own server. When i was trying to access my domain i can feel that the load of my server is too high. My domain is taking longer time to load....