Testing Dovecot in Postfix or Verify Dovecot in Postfix
Testing Dovecot in Postfix or Verify Dovecot in Postfix One thing that you can do is run this command to verify it is listening on the correct port numbers: netstat -aunt This should show...
Testing Dovecot in Postfix or Verify Dovecot in Postfix One thing that you can do is run this command to verify it is listening on the correct port numbers: netstat -aunt This should show...
Linux settings for high load systems There are a few basic settings you have to adjust for high load systems to make sure the server have enough resources to handle big number of network...
How can Plesk admin password be retrieved? To Retrieve Plesk Admin Pass Windows server, follow the simple steps below Resolution Apart from the password reminder available on the login screen, you can use the plesksrvclient.exe...
How to reset/change cPanel password? If you like to change/reset your cPanel password, kindly follow the steps below. ============= 1) Go to your cPanel login page.2) Under “Password Reset”3) Enter the “Username” of your...
How to configure email account in Outlook? There are many of us who do not use Outlook for send/receive email. But it is the better option to use Outlook to send and receive emails....
Default email account configuration Kindly follow the steps to configure the email client in the computer so that you can send/receive mails. ================ 1. Incoming/Outgoing mailserver: mail.domain.com2. Username: USERNAME@domain.com3. Password: password of this email...
How to configure email account in MAC machiane? Configuring the email account in MAC machine is quite easier. Just follow the instructions below to configure the email account in the MAC machine. 1. Open...
How to upload files in the cPanel? You can upload files in the cPanel by two methods, either using File manager or using FTP. I have given the steps below to upload files in...
How to install a new cPAnel account in the server? Just follow the steps below to install the cPanel in your server or VPS. #mkdir /home/cpins#cd /home/cpins#wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/latest#sh latest Thats it. The cPanel installation will...