Monthly Archive: January 2012


Reset WordPress admin password

Reset WordPress admin password using database:  1. Find the database name in “wp-config.php” for the corresponding WP domain. 2. cd /var/lib/mysql 3. Take backup   mysqldump databasename > databasename.sql 4. Enter into MySQL prompt.   mysql...


Find custom SSH port number

 Art of Port Scanning  — namp We can find custom SSH port number using  nmap: command:  nmap -P0 -T4 -sV -p- “IP address”            -PO[protocol list]:  IP Protocol Ping           -T: Set timing template (higher...


Modules install with Apache to avoid DDOS attacks.

Modules install with Apache to avoid DDOS attacks: To mitigate DDoS attacks, you can install : Mod_securityMod_dosevasiveMod_limitipconnDoS-Deflate ***************1) “Mod_security” : “Mod_security” is a module which helps us to protect our server from exploits that...


Install Zend module via RPM

How to install Zend module via RPM? These are the steps to install zend module via RPM. 1) Downloadrpm -Uvh -Uvh Zend Framework 1.11.3yum –enablerepo=remi install php-ZendFramework3)Install Zend Framework Full setupyum –enablerepo=remi...